Too Many Years
For too many years I have not stepped up, I have not purposely spoken out against Racism. I think it is time that I do. Racism is systemic in the White culture of America... Americans in the United States. I cannot speak of Racism in any other countries or continents, I can only speak to Racism in the United States of America.
One may think Racism only exists in the South, but that is certainly not true. It exists everywhere. I grew up in the South and certainly saw my share of Racism. When one is young and in a segregated society sometimes it is difficult to see the prejudice and racism. When White people are pleasant to Black people it appears things are right. But when a very young person begins to see the inequities between the races it brings to mind the question, Why?
"Why" is a good place to start. Why does a Black person step aside on a sidewalk when a White person walks toward them? Why does a Black person step aside even when the White person is a child? Why were Black maids not allowed to use the bathroom in the homes where they cleaned and cooked and took care of the White person's child? Why was it incorrect for a White child to say "ma'am" to a Black woman? Why was it wrong to say a young Black man was handsome?
Those are just the small Whys. Bigger Whys are... Why were crosses burned in yards of Black people or in front of Black churches? Why were people lynched? Why was a Black man in Texas dragged in chains behind a truck? Why was/is there so much hatred emitted from White people?
Why did it take the murder of George Floyd by White police officers in Minneapolis to open the eyes of the majority of White people? Why did Ahmaud Arbery need to die before people in Brunswick, Georgia recognized the inequities related to Race? Why did it take the video recordings of these two events to convince White people that atrocities against Black people still happen?
I do not have the answers. I do hope to inspire other White people to listen, to read, and to research what and why these things happened and are still happening. These are a few books worth reading:
It's time we all stepped up, Cheryl. That's what I'm hoping to do in my book, too.